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My Kidney Journey Part 9

Writer's picture: Elena SolomonElena Solomon

THE JAB.....

Very happy to report that I have had the COVID vaccine. Not because of my medical condition, but because I am an Essential Caregiver at my mother’s retirement home. They vaccinated residents, health care providers, and family members (max 2) authorized to visit.

I received the Moderna vaccine. My 1st shot was on Tuesday Jan. 12th and 2nd on Tuesday Feb. 9th.

Lot’s of people are asking about reactions, especially with the second dose. So here’s my experience:

The actual “jab” itself, is nothing. Small syringe similar to the flu shot. Hardly felt a thing.

My first shot was at around 3 pm. I came home, did my 5 o’clock zoom yoga class still not feeling anything. At around 11pm I went to bed, still feeling nothing, thinking, okay, that was easy. Spoke too soon. Woke up next morning feeling I just went a-round in a boxing ring and took a wicked blow to my left arm. When my arm was static, I felt nothing, however my ROM (Range of Motion) was extremely limited and painful when trying to move. I also felt a bit “off” for the entire day. Other than that, nothing major. Easy peasy. I called my 97 year old mom the day after the injection to see how her arm was and she said totally fine!!

I should also mention that I made myself a bit neurotic about getting the first shot as there had been news about a doctor who claimed he had an anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine and contributed it to his shellfish allergy. Amongst all my other medical stuff, I also have a severe shellfish allergy!! I was sure I too would have an anaphylactic reaction. My mind was somewhat put at ease when I called my GP to discuss and she said “get the shot”. I’m not entirely sure but I think she may have also implied that, even if I had an anaphylactic reaction, I should still get the vaccine if it was being offered to me. Subsequently, when I told the doctor who was giving me the injection at the retirement home that I was allergic to shellfish she didn’t blink an eye and jabbed me. I guess my fears were for naught.

Everyone warned me that the second dose can causes more severe reactions. For this reason, not that I had anywhere I needed to go (or could go) I left the entire next day after the injection to stay home and feel crappy. Never happened.

The only noticeable difference was that the sore arm came on faster. I had both injections at about 3 pm but with the 2nd dose, at around 9 pm I could start to feel my arm getting sore. I went to bed around 11 and woke up around 2 a.m. as I just couldn’t get comfortable. I gave in and took a Tylenol (which the doctor suggested we may need) and within 20 minutes felt a noticeable difference and fell back to sleep until morning.

My arm felt pretty much like it did with the first injection. Same limited ROM. I did feel a bit more achy on the Wednesday than usual. For those wondering, had I been working from home, I probably would have been ok (no time off).

On the Thursday, two days following my shot, I thought I was feeling ok but when I went for a walk with my cousin I had to tell her to slow down. For those who know me, I can walk forever and I am the one typically being told to slow down. I guess I was feeling a bit “off” that day as well.

My mom, again, was fine with the 2nd dose. I went to visit her on the Thursday and she appeared ok. However, I did learn that many residents in the home had reactions to the 2nd dose and that the home extended in-suite dining so the residents didn’t have to leave their room for 3 days.

Another cousin of mine had the vaccine a few days after me (she is also an Essential Visitor). She basically had the same reaction to the first dose as I did. Although with the 2nd dose she said she felt “yuck”. She had a headache and felt dizzy and her husband was in bed with a fever. They had Pfizer but not sure that should make a difference.

My brother Daryl who lives in Florida got his first dose the other day and he said he had zero reaction. His second dose isn’t until March 8th so will be curious to see how he fairs.

I think it’s basically a crap shoot. Until you get yours, you will not know how your body will react. The only advice I would give is to have the injection in your non dominant arm….unless of course you want to give your employer a reason why you need the day off work lol.



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