The Donor Search goes Digital...

So still searching for a match and that’s when my super amazing friends decided to step in. They took it upon themselves to create the Facebook campaign you have likely seen if you are reading this.
The amount of “sharing” has truly been humbling. And the messages are heartfelt, many from complete strangers and from as far away as Israel. With all that is going on in the world right now, it does restore your faith that there is also a lot of good out there as well.
It also truly amazes me the power of social media. It’s like this big octopus with far reaching tentacles. Friends who I have not been in contact with for years and years, have reached out to say hello and send their prayers.
My cousin Cindy has taken on finding me a kidney as a personal goal. She is the most organized person I know and where I tend to procrastinate, we joke about her “no moss grows on that stone”. Before I can even think of something, she has done it!! I am proud to call her not just a cousin, but an incredible friend.
At this point I guess you are wondering if any of the 100+ shares on Facebook were successful. Thrilled to say yes!!!! One person came forward immediately. She is a stranger to me but known to my cousin Cindy. I am on Cindy’s mother’s side and this is a cousin on her father’s side who I never met.
What I have also recently learned is that from the Facebook post, two other people have come forward. I do not know anything about them due to confidentiality.
This pretty much brings us up to date. I have been advised that my cousin’s cousin, let’s call her “A”, started testing on Monday November 30th. Although there are 3 potential donors, St. Mikes only tests one person at a time. I do know that “A” has compatible blood type. We are both A. I can also accept from O which is universal. The next tests she will be doing are all about her being healthy enough to donate a kidney.
For me, it’s sit back and wait again. I am trying to remain optimistic but if I am honest with myself, I am only cautiously optimistic. Remember, I have already had 4 people declined……
So I keep my fingers crossed and pray things will work out with “A”. I also wanted to say just what a special person she is. She is so anxious to be a donor that she frequently reached out to St. Mikes and another agency we are working with, to see when she could start testing. Also, because “A” is known to my cousin, she will provide updates with how the testing is progressing. These I can share as I receive them.
My friend, CL, thought a blog would be an excellent accompaniment to the Facebook post as many friends are curious how I came to be where I am, how I am, and what the next steps are. As well, not only has writing it been kinda cathartic but there is going to be a time when memory fails me (more than it already has lol) and I will no longer be so clear about the above details. This is a way to store those memories.
In the interim, I try to remain positive. I am still feeling relatively well and try to keep active both mentally and physically. My goal is to try to be in good physical shape for when I am ready to have a transplant as it should make my recovery easier. So, when weather permits I like to go for walks. I do yoga 2x a week and meditate daily. Before COVID shut it down, I was enjoying swimming at a neighbourhood community pool. I visit my mom at her retirement home a few times per week and we play either gin rummy or Rummikub (good for both our minds). Although, it’s embarrassing to admit she wins most games (she’s 96).
I am blessed to have a great support group around me. When the weather was nice we met outside. Now we frequently chat on the phone. Nobody is looking forward to a COVID winter…..
My ultimate goal is to have a kidney transplant from a living donor while I am still healthy and can avoid dialysis. It was strongly recommended by the agency I am working with that we continue with the Facebook campaign as I need as many potential donors as possible given that the rejection rate can be high.
So please, continue sharing. You never know when it will reach that one special person that says yes to the gift of life.
For 100% anonymous information about learning what’s involved with becoming a donor, you can contact either the agency I am working with called Renewal ( or 416-628-7633). The staff at Renewal are all donors themselves or you can contact St. Michael’s, the hospital I am affiliated with at